By: B Cohen, Mal Bielski, and Derek Sheldon We experimented on Drosophila Melanogaster and the effects of centrifugal force on their relative maze times to test whether or not they experience symptoms of the whiplash-associated disorder. Our group hypothesized that if...
By: Markus K. and Max V. In the school year 2021-2022, we took a class called Genetics and Biotechnology Honors. Throughout the year, we learned how to use pipettes, micropipettes, microscopes, electrophoresis machines, etc. However, the highlight of this class was...
By: Josh Nydick My experiment was a little all over the place at the beginning of it all, as I started with three group members until one decided to switch to all virtual. This left me with myself and one other person who then became inattentive and didn’t show up to...
By: The Gene Team When handed our flies, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. At first, we struggled a lot with the everyday making of food for them. We could not maintain our flies successfully to the point where we almost had no flies to work with. It...
By: Jackie Faulk, Emma Chobert, Lea Preysman, and Tyler Nguyen Mr. Beal handed us a vial of about 40 living, breathing fruit flies in January. Every day household bugs became a fundamental part of our lives for three months. It took a little bit to learn how to...
By: Damian, Rhiley, Julia, and Sarah The Experiment Our thought process for condoning this experiment was to create a maze and compare the flies on Adderall with the normal flies. So the first step was to create the maze, and thankfully we got some help from some...